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(traditional) Source Han Serif TC

(traditional) Source Han Serif TC. Source Han Serif (思源宋体) is the new companion font to Source Han Sans (or Noto Sans), co-developed by Adobe and Google.

adobe-fontssource-han-serif - 思源宋體香港

Source Han Serif is a set of OpenType Pan-CJK fonts. In addition to functional OpenType fonts, this open source project provides all of the source files ...

Source Han Serif

Source Han Serif is the second Pan-CJK typeface family from Adobe Type, and the serif counterpart to Source Han Sans.

Source Han Serif - Pan-CJK Traditional Chinese

Source Han Serif is a modern Mincho-style typeface family, which is a counterpart to Source Han Sans. The family has seven weights.

Source Han Serif - Traditional Chinese Subset

Source Han Serif is a modern Mincho-style typeface family, which is a counterpart to Source Han Sans. The family has seven weights.

Source Han Serif download

Source Han Serif is a set of OpenType/CFF Pan-CJK fonts. In addition to functional OpenType fonts, this open source project provides all of the source files.

Source Han Serif 思源宋體

思源宋體支援四種不同的東亞語言(簡體中文、繁體中文、日文及韓文) 而且7 種字重中的每一種都有65,535 個字圖,其設計目的是為了搭配一致的視覺美感。此外也隨附一套豐富的 ...

思源宋體Noto Serif CJK TC 2.003 - 免費開源字型下載

思源宋體(Source Han Serif)是Adobe 與Google 所領導開發的開源字型家族,Google Noto 字體專案的目標為為涵蓋所有語言的所有現代化裝置,開發高品質、協調 ...


思源黑體、思源宋體的英文在兩家公司間分別有不同的名稱,Google 稱為Noto Sans / Serif,Adobe 則為Source Han Sans / Serif,但基本上是一模一樣的。

簡報技巧-簡報字型應用篇::思源明體, 思源宋體

思源明體原名:Source Han Serif,可以透過Adobe Typekit 就可以免費下載,另外Google 也將思源明體取名為Noto Serif CJK 釋出,但字型本身(包括西文、數字)和Adobe ...


(traditional)SourceHanSerifTC.SourceHanSerif(思源宋体)isthenewcompanionfonttoSourceHanSans(orNotoSans),co-developedbyAdobeandGoogle.,SourceHanSerifisasetofOpenTypePan-CJKfonts.InadditiontofunctionalOpenTypefonts,thisopensourceprojectprovidesallofthesourcefiles ...,SourceHanSerifisthesecondPan-CJKtypefacefamilyfromAdobeType,andtheserifcounterparttoSourceHanSans.,SourceHanSerifisamodernMincho-st...